Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - 31 minutes
In the second episode of Out Of The Bag, Steve unpacks a trio of captivating topics. We delve into the stories behind your most cherished pieces of memorabilia, debate the ultimate TV show for a lifetime of viewing, and reveal the secrets of fake radio names—who will confess? As always, we wrap up with the fan-favorite question, "What's The Best Thing You Heard This Week?" Join us for an episode full of surprises, nostalgia, and behind-the-scenes revelations. Don't forget to send your questions to for a chance to have them pulled Out Of The Bag!
10:00am - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
With a skeleton crew holding it down, Steve delivers some wild questions—jealousy confessions, all-time best books, and a fashion vs. farming showdown!
Steve forgot what episode we’re on, but we’re rolling with it—bad breath dilemmas, sleep habits, genie wishes, and more!
If you had a day all to yourself or a fat stack to blow on clothes, what would you do? We’re diving in!