Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 30 minutes
This week’s episode goes off the rails in the best way possible! We dive into some truly bizarre hypotheticals, starting with the uncomfortable question: if you were rescuing people from a burning building, who would you leave behind? Then, we share our worst car breakdown horror stories (spoiler: some places are just NOT ideal), and debate which animals would be the rudest if they could talk. We wrap it up with the best thing we heard this week, and don’t forget to send in your own burning questions to to be featured on the show. It’s weird, it’s wild, and you don’t want to miss it!
10:00am - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
With a skeleton crew holding it down, Steve delivers some wild questions—jealousy confessions, all-time best books, and a fashion vs. farming showdown!
Steve forgot what episode we’re on, but we’re rolling with it—bad breath dilemmas, sleep habits, genie wishes, and more!
If you had a day all to yourself or a fat stack to blow on clothes, what would you do? We’re diving in!