Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 32 minutes
Would you rather perform for 100 people or 100,000? What if someone handed you an envelope with the exact date of your death—would you open it? This week, we’re diving into some big (and slightly terrifying) questions with our special guest, Nakisha Johnson, head of WBOC’s Creative Services Department! Plus, we swap some epic scar stories and wrap things up with the best thing we heard this week. Tune in for laughs, deep thoughts, and maybe even a new perspective on life! Got a question for the show? Send it our way at!
10:00am - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
With a skeleton crew holding it down, Steve delivers some wild questions—jealousy confessions, all-time best books, and a fashion vs. farming showdown!
Steve forgot what episode we’re on, but we’re rolling with it—bad breath dilemmas, sleep habits, genie wishes, and more!
If you had a day all to yourself or a fat stack to blow on clothes, what would you do? We’re diving in!